Installation and usage of the platform

REST API: information about configuration and state of the node, stopping the node

There are two groups of methods to get information about the node configuration:

  • node - obtaining basic configuration parameters of a node, information about node state, stopping a node, changing a logging level;

  • anchoring - the GET /anchoring/config query, which returns the anchoring section of the node configuration file.

To get the basic configuration parameters of a node, there are both methods that require authorization and open methods.

node group:

GET /node/config

The method returns the basic configuration parameters of a node.

Response example:

GET /node/config:
  "version": "1.9.0-Dev3-213-66e7eb5",
  "gostCrypto": true,
  "cryptoType": "gost",
  "chainId": "T",
  "consensus": "POA",
  "minimumFee": {
    "3": 100000000,
    "4": 1000000,
    "5": 100000000,
    "6": 5000000,
    "7": 500000,
    "8": 1000000,
    "9": 1000000,
    "10": 100000000,
    "11": 5000000,
    "12": 5000000,
    "13": 50000000,
    "14": 100000000,
    "15": 100000000,
    "102": 1000000,
    "103": 100000000,
    "104": 10000000,
    "106": 1000000,
    "107": 100000000,
    "111": 1000000,
    "112": 100000000,
    "113": 50000000,
    "114": 5000000,
    "120": 0
  "additionalFee": {
    "11": 1000000,
    "12": 1000000
  "maxTransactionsInMicroBlock": 500,
  "minMicroBlockAge": 0,
  "microBlockInterval": 1500,
  "pkiMode": "TEST",
  "requiredOids": [
  "crlChecksEnabled": false,
  "blockTiming": {
    "roundDuration": 7000,
    "syncDuration": 1000

As of version 1.9 the gostCrypto field will be depricated. The cryptoType field will be used instead.

GET /node/owner

The method returns the address and the public key of the node owner.

Response example:

GET /node/config:
  "address": "3JFR1pmL6biTzr9oa63gJcjZ8ih429KD3aF",
  "publicKey": "EPxkVA9iQejsjQikovyxkkY8iHnbXsR3wjgkgE7ZW1Tt"

GET /node/status

The method returns information about the current state of the node.

Response example:

GET /node/status:
    "blockchainHeight": 47041,
    "stateHeight": 47041,
    "updatedTimestamp": 1544709501138,
    "updatedDate": "2018-12-13T13:58:21.138Z"
    "lastCheckTimestamp": 1543719501123,

Also, if there are errors using GOST cryptography on a node, the method will return an error description:

GET /node/status:
    "error": 199,
    "message": "Environment check failed: Supported JCSP version is 5.0.40424, actual is 2.0.40424"

GET /node/version

The method returns a node version.

Response example:

GET /node/version:
  "version": "Waves Enterprise v0.9.0"

GET /node​/logging

The method displays a list of loggers specified when configuring the node, and the logging level for each of them.

Node logging levels:

  • ERROR - error logging;

  • WARN - warning logging;

  • INFO - node events logging;

  • DEBUG - extended information about events for each running node module: a record of events that occurred and actions performed;

  • TRACE - detailed information about the events of the DEBUG level;

  • ALL - displaying of data from all logging levels.

Response example:

GET /node​/logging:

GET /node/healthcheck

The method checks availability of the external service specified in the request. The request must contain the service parameter, which can take one of the following values:

  • docker;

  • privacy-storage;

  • anchoring-auth.

docker value is used by default.

The method returns 200 OK and an empty answer if the check was successful, if not – 503 Service Unavailable and error description. If one of the external services is not configured (the docker engine on the node is disabled, the confidential data access groups setting is disabled, anchoring is disabled), the method returns 404 Not Found error with a message that the particular setting is disabled.

GET /node/healthcheck:
  "error": 199,
  "message": "Docker host is not available"

POST /node​/logging

The method is designed to change the logging level for selected loggers.

Query example:

POST /node​/logging:
    "logger": "com.wavesplatform.Application",
    "level": "ALL"

POST /node/stop

The method stops the node, it has no response.

anchoring group:

GET /anchoring/config

The method outputs the anchoring section of the node configuration file.

Response example:

GET /anchoring/config:
 "enabled": true,
 "currentChainOwnerAddress": "3FWwx4o1177A4oeHAEW5EQ6Bkn4Lv48quYz",
 "mainnetNodeAddress": "",
 "mainnetSchemeByte": "L",
 "mainnetRecipientAddress": "3JzVWCSV6v4ucSxtGSjZsvdiCT1FAzwpqrP",
 "mainnetFee": 8000000,
 "currentChainFee": 666666,
 "heightRange": 5,
 "heightAbove": 3,
 "threshold": 10
See also