Installation and usage of the platform
WE Contract SDK (Java/Kotlin Contract SDK) Client¶
This section describes the WE Contract SDK Client.The client is used to interact with the contract from the backend code of Java/Kotlin applications.
Main abstractions¶
ContractBlockingClientFactory – Factory to create a contract client.
NodeBlockingServiceFactory – A factory that creates services for interacting with a node.
TxService – Interface for working with transactions on the node.
TxSigner – Interface for signing transactions on the node.
ConverterFactory – Factory for creating services for converting values when working with a state.
ContractToDataValueConverter – Interface for converting values to DataValue objects.
ContractFromDataEntryConverter – Interface for converting Data Entry values from a state.
ContractClientParams – Class intended for the settings of the client being created.
ContractSignRequestBuilder – The SignRequest(transaction) builder that creates a contract creation object (103rd transaction) or a contract invocation object (104th transaction).
Follow these steps to create WE contract SDK client.
All the examples below are taken from the Waves Enterprise GitHub. In addition, the Waves Enterprise `GitHub repository <>_ provides more examples.
1. Create and configure services to work with the node:¶
val objectMapper = ObjectMapper()
.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false)
.configure(SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS, false)
.configure(KotlinFeature.NullIsSameAsDefault, true)
val converterFactory = JacksonConverterFactory(objectMapper)
val feignNodeClientParams = FeignNodeClientParams(
url = "{node.url}",
decode404 = true,
connectTimeout = 5000L,
readTimeout = 3000L,
loggerLevel = Logger.Level.FULL,
val feignTxService = FeignTxService(
weTxApiFeign = FeignWeApiFactory.createClient(
clientClass =,
feignProperties = feignNodeClientParams,
val feignNodeServiceFactory = FeignNodeServiceFactory(
params = feignNodeClientParams
val contractProperties = ContractProperties(
senderAddress = "",
fee = 0L,
contractId = "contractId",
contractVersion = 1,
version = 1,
image = "image",
imageHash = "imageHash",
contractName = "contractName",
val contractClientParams = ContractClientParams(localValidationEnabled = true)
val contractSignRequestBuilder = ContractSignRequestBuilder()
val contractClientParams = ContractClientParams(localValidationEnabled = true)
2. Form transaction data:¶
val contractSignRequestBuilder = ContractSignRequestBuilder()
3. Create a client contract factory and configure it:¶
val contractFactory = ContractBlockingClientFactory(
contractClass =,
contractInterface =,
converterFactory = converterFactory,
contractClientProperties = contractClientParams,
contractSignRequestBuilder = contractSignRequestBuilder,
nodeBlockingServiceFactory = nodeBlockingServiceFactory,
4. Create TxSigner:¶
val txServiceTxSigner = TxServiceTxSignerFactory(
txService = feignTxService,
5. Create and invoke client methods:¶
val executionContext: ExecutionContext = contractFactory.executeContract(
txSigner = txSigner) { contract ->