Installing and running the platform

Currently we support Unix-like systems (for example, popular Linux distributives and MacOS). However Waves Enterprise platform can be run under the Windows natively in experimental mode. Also you can you Unix virtual machines and the Docker environment for the installation and running the platform under the Windows.

Installation of the platform in the base delivery version assumes that Docker Engine and Docker Compose are installed in the deployment environment.

Depending on the purpose of the installation, you will need the following files:

  1. docker-compose.yml – the configuration file used by Docker Compose to run applications in containers.

  2. generators-Х.Х.Х.jar - an auxiliary utility used in the Waves Enterprise platform to create key pairs, API keys, sign block genesis and other operations.

docker-compose.yml and generators-Х.Х.Х.jar you can download by clicking on the link.

  1. Configuration files for generators-Х.Х.Х.jar utility:

    • accounts.conf - he configuration file for the accounts creation;

    • api-key-hash.conf – the configuration file for the api-key-hash and privacy-api-key-hash values creation when you choose the api-key string hash authorization.

  2. node.conf – the main node configuration file defining the operational principals and an option list. Below are some examples of node configuration files:

    • mainnet.conf - to connect to the Mainnet network;

    • partnernet.conf - to connect to the Partnernet network.

Examples of configuration files for the utility generators-Х.Х.Х.jar and node.conf you can download from the Waves Enterprise platform official page on GitHub.

Detailed information about configuration files can be found in Data preparation service module.

  1. node.license - node license, not obligatory up to 30,000 blocks height.

You can find out about how to get node.license in the following module.

Purpose of installation





Checking platform features


It’s not required

It’s not required

It’s not required

Connecting the node to the Mainnet network





Connecting the node to the Partnernet network





Deploying the platform in Sandbox mode

The Waves Enterprise team offers a fully automated deployment mode to familiarize yourself with platform capabilities. n this mode, a blockchain network of three nodes will be installed as well as additional components - authorization service, data preparation service and corporate client. All key pairs used to sign transactions and blocks will be generated randomly.

In the trial mode you can interact with the blockchain through the client application, or REST/gRPC node interfaces: send transactions, receive data from the blockchain, set and call smart contracts, and transfer confidential data between nodes.

  1. To install the platform in Sandbox mode, open the terminal and go to the directory where the file docker-compose.yml is located, and execute the following command:

docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/config-manager/output wavesenterprise/config-manager:v1.2.1

Specify the latest version of the platform as the last three digits.

  1. Wait for the results of the previous command and run the following command:

docker-compose up -d


On Linux, you may need to have root right to execute commands.

After launching the containers, the client application will be available at http://localhost, swagger host of the node - http://localhost/node-0.

To stop running nodes and services, execute the following command:

docker-compose down

Connecting a single node to the Mainnet network

Using the instructions below, you can connect the node to any existing network.

To connect the node to the Mainnet network you will need the following files: docker-compose.yml, node.license, node.conf and the key repository as a file keystores.dat.


The file keystores.dat is created when you generate a new member address.

  1. Download the file docker-compose.yml.

  2. Download the file mainnet.conf, rename it node.conf and edit the following options:

  • owner-address, wallet.password - the address of the new participant, on whose behalf the node will perform operations in the blockchain. The process of generating a new key pair and file keystores.dat using the utility generators-X.X.X.jar is described in section Accounts creation;

  • node-name - any name of the node;

  • auth.api-api-key-hash, auth.privacy-api-key-hash - hash from a secret phrase to access REST API node. The process of creating a hashed secret phrase using the utility generators-X.X.X.jar is described in section Accounts creation.

  1. Create empty files: postgres.env, node-0.env, nginx-proxy.env, frontend.env, data-service.env, crawler.env, auth-service.env.

  2. Open the file my-node/env/node-0.env and copy the text below to it:

  1. In the field WE_NODE_OWNER_PASSWORD instead of /FILL enter the password from the key pair created when generating the address of a new participant by the utility generators-X.X.X.Jar.

  2. Place the downloaded and previously created files according to the structure below:

my-node                                 (directory with any name)
|- configs                              (directory)
|   |- nodes                            (directory)
|       |- node-0                       (directory)
|           |- node.conf                (file)
|           |- keystores.dat            (file)
|           |- node.license             (file, optional)
|- env                                  (directory)
|   |- postgres.env                     (file)
|   |- node-0.env                       (file)
|   |- nginx-proxy.env                  (file)
|   |- frontend.env                     (file)
|   |- data-service.env                 (file)
|   |- crawler.env                      (file)
|   |- auth-service.env                 (file)
|- docker-compose.yml                   (file)
  1. Run the command to start the node:

docker-compose up -d node-0

After the container is launched node REST API will be available at http://localhost/node-0.


If there are errors, make sure that no other competing containers or programs are running. To display a list of running containers and their status, type docker ps -a. To stop the selected container, enter docker stop [myContainer]. To stop all containers, you can enter docker stop $(docker ps -a -q). The command docker rm [myContainer] will delete the selected one, docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) will delete all containers.

To stop running nodes and services, execute the following command:

docker-compose down