Updating a Mainnet node

If you are working with the Mainnet we recommend updating the connected nodes on time. After the new release issued, all clients receive a notification email about updating of a Mainnet node. If you do not receive such an email, please send a request to our technical support.

The instructions below are intended for nodes that are deployed and run using the docker-compose.yml file. Please, contact our technical support if you have other node versions for update.

Perform the following actions for the node update:

  1. Download the latest version of the docker-compose.yml file from the official Waves Enterprise GitHub page choosing the latest release.

  2. Place the docker-compose.yml file into the working directory.

  3. If your node is up than stop it by the command:

docker-compose down
  1. After node was down perform the command:

docker-compose up -d node-0


When you first launch the 1.4.0 release node, the data migrator will be launched. Migration is performed automatically and takes several minutes. If the migration was successful, you will see the message “Migration finished successfully” and the node will continue to run.