Installation and usage of the platform

Permission management

All permissions of the blockchain platform are described in the article Permissions. Permissions can be arbitrarily combined for any address; individual permissions can be revoked at any time.

The 102 Permission Transaction is used for managing the permissions of participants. This transaction can be signed using the sign method of the node REST API and sent using the corresponding gRPC or REST API method. Only a member with the permissioner permission can send a transaction to the blockchain.

Regardless of the sending method used, the transaction includes the following fields:

  • type – type of transaction for managing the authority of the participants (type = 102);

  • sender – address of the participant with authority to send transaction 102 (permissioner permission);

  • password – key pair password in the node keystore, optional field;

  • proofs – transaction signature;

  • target – the address of the participant for whom you want to set or remove permissions;

  • role – member’s permission which you want to set or remove;

  • opType – type of operation: add (add a permission) or remove (remove a permission);

  • dueTimestamp – date of validity of the permission in the Unix Timestamp format (in milliseconds), optional field.

The received response of the sign method is sent to the broadcast method of node gRPC or REST API.

See also