Installation and usage of the platform

gRPC: information about network participants

Use AddressPublicService and AliasPublicService gRPC services to obtain information about network participants.

gRPC: information about the network members’ addresses

Use AddressPublicService service to obtain information about the network members’ addresses.

The AddressPublicService service has the following methods, described in the address_public_service.proto protobuf file:

  • GetAddresses;

  • GetAddressData;

  • GetAddressDataByKey.


The field data types for the request and response are specified in the protobuf file.

Retrieving all participants’ addresses

Use the GetAddresses method to retrieve all the addresses of the participants whos key pairs are stored in the node keystore. The method does not require additional query parameters.

The method returns an array of participants’ addresses.

Retrieving data from a specified address

Use the GetAddressData method to obtain data written to the specified address using the transaction 12. The method requires the following query parameters:

  • address – address of a node;

  • limit – the maximum number of records that the method will return;

  • offset – the number of the records at the given address that the method will skip.

The method returns the data written to the specified address.

Retrieving data from a specified address by a key

Use the GetAddressDataByKey method to retrieve data written to the specified address using the transaction 12. This key is specified in transaction 12 in the data.key field. The method requires the following query parameters:

  • address – address of a node;

  • key – key.

The method returns data recorded at the specified address with key {key}.

gRPC: retrieving information about network participants by alias

Use the AliasPublicService service to obtain information about a network participant by alias.

The AliasPublicService service has the following methods, described in the protobuf file alias_public_service.proto:

  • AddressByAlias;

  • AliasesByAddress.

Retrieving an address by alias

Use the AddressByAlias method to retrieve the address by alias. The method requires entering a single query parameter:

  • alias – network participant alias.

The method returns the participant’s address.

Retrieving alias by address

Use the AliasesByAddress method to retrieve alias by address. The method requires the address of the network participant in the query.

The method returns all the aliases of the network participant.

See also