Deploying the platform in Sandbox mode

In the trial mode you can interact with the blockchain through the client application, or REST/gRPC node interfaces: send transactions, receive data from the blockchain, set and call smart contracts, and transfer confidential data between nodes.

  1. Create a working directory where the node runs and place there the docker-compose.yml file. This file you can download from the official Waves Enterprise GitHub page choosing the latest release.

  2. To install the platform in Sandbox mode, open the terminal and go to the directory where the file docker-compose.yml is located, and execute the following command:

docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/config-manager/output wavesenterprise/config-manager:v1.2.3

After the platform is deployed, all created passwords and addresses are stored in the credentials.txt file, which is located in the working directory.

  1. Wait for the results of the previous command and run the following command:

docker-compose up -d


On Linux, you may need to have root right to execute commands.

After launching the containers, the client application will be available at http://localhost, swagger host of the node - http://localhost/node-0.

To stop running nodes and services, execute the following command:

docker-compose down

The network will operate till the 30 000 blocks height without a license. It is not necessary to get license for the sandbox mode.