The rules for generating queries to the node are given in module How to use REST API.
GET /addresses/info/{address}¶
Getting a public key by the address. The method returns only those public keys that are stored in the keystore.dat
file of the node.
Method Response:
"address": "3JFR1pmL6biTzr9oa63gJcjZ8ih429KD3aF",
"publicKey": "EPxkVA9iQejsjQikovyxkkY8iHnbXsR3wjgkgE7ZW1Tt"
Get all addresses of participants whose key pairs are stored in the node keystore.
Method Response:
Gets all addresses of participants whose key pairs are stored in node keystore in the specified range.
Method Response:
Get the balance for the address {address}.
Method Response:
"address": "3N3keodUiS8WLEw9W4BKDNxgNdUpwSnpb3K",
"confirmations": 0,
"balance": 100945889661986
Get balances for the address list.
Method Query:
"addresses": [
"3N65yEf31ojBZUvpu4LCo7n8D73juFtheUJ", "3N11u447zghwj9MemYkrkt9v9xDaMwTY9nG"
Get the balance for the address {address} after a number of confirmations > = value {confirmations}. Returns the total balance of the participant, including assets transferred to the participant for the leasing.
Method Response:
"address": "3N65yEf31ojBZUvpu4LCo7n8D73juFtheUJ",
"confirmations": 1,
"balance": 0
GET /addresses/effectiveBalance/{address}¶
Get the effective balance of the specified address.
Method Response
"address": "3GLWx8yUFcNSL3DER8kZyE4TpyAyNiEYsKG",
"confirmations": 0,
"balance": 1240001592820000
Returns detailed information about balance of address {address}.
Method Query:
"addresses": [
Method Response:
"address": "3N65yEf31ojBZUvpu4LCo7n8D73juFtheUJ",
"regular": 0,
"generating": 0,
"available": 0,
"effective": 0
Response Options
Regular - total balance of participant, including assets transferred for leasing
Available - total balance of participant, except for assets transferred for leasing
Effective — total balance of participant, including assets transferred to participant for leasing (Available + assets transferred to you for leasing)
Generating - minimum balance of participant, including assets transferred to participant for leasing, for the last 1000 blocks (used for mining)
Get information about the script installed on the address {address}.
Method Response:
"address": "3N3keodUiS8WLEw9W4BKDNxgNdUpwSnpb3K",
"script": "3rbFDtbPwAvSp2vBvqGfGR9nRS1nBVnfuSCN3HxSZ7fVRpt3tuFG5JSmyTmvHPxYf34SocMRkRKFgzTtXXnnv7upRHXJzZrLSQo8tUW6yMtEiZ",
"scriptText": "ScriptV1(BLOCK(LET(x,CONST_LONG(1)),FUNCTION_CALL(FunctionHeader(==,List(LONG, LONG)),List(FUNCTION_CALL(FunctionHeader(+,List(LONG, LONG)),List(REF(x,LONG), CONST_LONG(1)),LONG), CONST_LONG(2)),BOOLEAN),BOOLEAN))",
"complexity": 11,
"extraFee": 10001
Response Options
“address” - address in Base58 format
“script” - Base64 representation of the script
“scriptText” - source code of the script
“complexity” - complexity of the script
“extraFee” - fee for outgoing transactions set by the script
Returns the message encoded in BASE58 format signed by address private key {address}, stored in node keystore. The message is first signed and then converted.
Method Query:
"message": "mytext"
Method Response:
"message": "wWshKhJj",
"publicKey": "C1ADP1tNGuSLTiQrfNRPhgXx59nCrwrZFRV4AHpfKBpZ",
"signature": "62PFG855ThsEHUZ4N8VE8kMyHCK9GWnvtTZ3hq6JHYv12BhP1eRjegA6nSa3DAoTTMammhamadvizDUYZAZtKY9S"
Validates signature of a message executed by address {address}, including the one created through POST method/addresses/sign/{address}.
Method Query:
"message": "wWshKhJj",
"publickey": "C1ADP1tNGuSLTiQrfNRPhgXx59nCrwrZFRV4AHpfKBpZ",
"signature": "5kwwE9sDZzssoNaoBSJnb8RLqfYGt1NDGbTWWXUeX8b9amRRJN3hr5fhs9vHBq6VES5ng4hqbCUoDEsoQNauRRts"
Method Response:
"valid": true
Returns a message signed by address private key {address} stored in the node keystore.
Method Query:
"message": "mytext"
Method Response:
"message": "message",
"publicKey": "C1ADP1tNGuSLTiQrfNRPhgXx59nCrwrZFRV4AHpfKBpZ",
"signature": "5kVZfWfFmoYn38cJfNhkdct5WCyksMgQ7kjwHK7Zjnrzs9QYRWo6HuJoGc8WRMozdYcAVJvojJnPpArqPvu2uc3u"
Validates signature of a message executed by address {address}, including the one created through the POSTmethod /addresses/signtext/{address}.
Method Query:
"message": "message",
"publicKey": "C1ADP1tNGuSLTiQrfNRPhgXx59nCrwrZFRV4AHpfKBpZ",
"signature": "5kVZfWfFmoYn38cJfNhkdct5WCyksMgQ7kjwHK7Zjnrzs9QYRWo6HuJoGc8WRMozdYcAVJvojJnPpArqPvu2uc3u"
Method Response:
"valid": true
GET /addresses/validate/{addressOrAlias}¶
Validates correctness of specified address or its alias {addressOrAlias} in a network blockchain of operating node.
Method Response:
addressOrAlias: "3HSVTtjim3FmV21HWQ1LurMhFzjut7Aa1Ac",
valid: true
POST /addresses/validateMany¶
Checks the validity of addresses or aliases.
Method Query:
addressesOrAliases: [
"alias:T:1nvAliDAl1ass99911%^&$$$ "
Method Response:
validations: [
addressOrAlias: "3HSVTtjim3FmV21HWQ1LurMhFzjut7Aa1Ac",
valid: true
addressOrAlias: "alias:T:asdfghjk",
valid: true
addressOrAlias: "alias:T:1nvAliDAl1ass99911%^&$$$ ",
valid: false,
reason: "GenericError(Alias should contain only following characters: -.0123456789@_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz)"
GET /addresses/publicKey/{publicKey}¶
Returns participant address based on its public key.
Method Response:
"address": "3N4WaaaNAVLMQgVKTRSePgwBuAKvZTjAQbq"
Returns all data recorded to address account {address}.
Method Response:
"key": "4yR7b6Gv2rzLrhYBHpgVCmLH42raPGTF4Ggi1N36aWnY",
"type": "integer",
"value": 1500000
Returns data recorded to address account {address} by key {key}.
Method Response:
"key": "4yR7b6Gv2rzLrhYBHpgVCmLH42raPGTF4Ggi1N36aWnY",
"type": "integer",
"value": 1500000