The rules for generating queries to the node are given in module How to use REST API.
GET /consensus/algo¶
Returns type of consensus algorithm used on the network.
Method Response:
"consensusAlgo": "Fair Proof-of-Stake (FairPoS)"
GET /consensus/settings¶
Returns consensus settings specified in node configuration file.
Method Response:
"consensusAlgo": "Proof-of-Authority (PoA)",
"roundDuration": "25 seconds",
"syncDuration": "5 seconds",
"banDurationBlocks": 50,
"warningsForBan": 3
GET /consensus/minersAtHeight/{height}¶
Returns miner queue at height {height}.
Method Response:
"miners": [
"height": 1
GET /consensus/miners/{timestamp}¶
Returns miner queue at timestamp {timestamp}.
Method Response:
"miners": [
"timestamp": 1547804621000
GET /consensus/bannedMiners/{height}¶
Returns a list of blocked miners at height {height}.
Method Response:
"bannedMiners": [],
"height": 1000
GET /consensus/basetarget/{blockId}¶
Returns value of ‘base complexity’ _ (basetarget) of creating block {blockId} .
GET /consensus/basetarget¶
Returns value of ‘base complexity’_ (basetarget) of creating last block.
GET /consensus/generatingbalance/{address}¶
Returns generating balance available for minning node {address} - minimum participant balance including assets transferred to participant for leasing, for last 1000 blocks.
GET /consensus/generationsignature/{blockId}¶
Returns value of ‘generation signature’_ of generating block {blockId}.
GET /consensus/generationsignature¶
Returns value of ‘generation signature’_ of last block.