Docker smart contracts with the use of the node REST API

Description of the program logic

The section describes an example of creation and execution of a simple smart contract. The contract increments a transferred digit in every call transaction.

Python listing of the program:

import json
import os
import requests
import sys

def find_param_value(params, name):
    for param in params:
        if param['key'] == name: return param['value']
    return None

def print_success(results):
    print(json.dumps(results, separators=(',', ':')))

def print_error(message):

def get_value(contract_id):
    node = os.environ['NODE_API']
    if not node:
        print_error("Node REST API address is not defined")
    token = os.environ["API_TOKEN"]
    if not token:
        print_error("Node API token is not defined")
    headers = {'X-Contract-Api-Token': token}
    url = '{0}/internal/contracts/{1}/sum'.format(node, contract_id)
    r = requests.get(url, verify=False, timeout=2, headers=headers)
    data = r.json()
    return data['value']

if __name__ == '__main__':
    command = os.environ['COMMAND']
    if command == 'CALL':
        contract_id = json.loads(os.environ['TX'])['contractId']
        value = get_value(contract_id)
            "key": "sum",
            "type": "integer",
            "value": value + 1}])
    elif command == 'CREATE':
            "key": "sum",
            "type": "integer",
            "value": 0}])
        print_error("Unknown command {0}".format(command))


  • The program expects to receive a json data structure with a “params” field.

  • It reads the “a” field value.

  • Finally, it returns a result as a field value “{a}+1” in json format.

Example of input parameters


Installation of a smart contract

  1. Download and install Docker for Developers for your OS.

  2. Prepare a contract image. Create following files in the stateful-increment-contract folder:


  • Dockerfile


Listing of the file



Dockerfile listing

FROM python:alpine3.8
RUN chmod +x
CMD exec /bin/sh -c "trap : TERM INT; (while true; do sleep 1000; done) & wait"
  1. Install the image in the Docker registry. Perform following commands in the terminal:

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry registry:2
cd contracts/stateful-increment-contract
docker build -t stateful-increment-contract .
docker image tag stateful-increment-contract localhost:5000/stateful-increment-contract
docker start registry
docker push localhost:5000/stateful-increment-contract
  1. Для получения информации о контейнере необходимо определить идетификатор смарт-контракта посредством команды в терминале:

docker image ls|grep 'localhost:5000/stateful-increment-contract'

Затем выполнить в терминале следующую команду:

docker inspect 57c2c2d2643d
    "Id": "sha256:57c2c2d2643da042ef8dd80010632ffdd11e3d2e3f85c20c31dce838073614dd",
    "RepoTags": [
    "RepoDigests": [],
    "Parent": "sha256:d91d2307057bf3bb5bd9d364f16cd3d7eda3b58edf2686e1944bcc7133f07913",
    "Comment": "",
    "Created": "2019-10-25T14:15:03.856072509Z",
    "Container": "",
    "ContainerConfig": {
        "Hostname": "",
        "Domainname": "",
        "User": "",
        "AttachStdin": false,
        "AttachStdout": false,
        "AttachStderr": false,

Id identifier of a smart contract is an imageHash field value for usage in transactions with a created smart contract.

  1. Sign a transaction for creation of the smart contract. In this example, a transaction is signed with a key saved in a node keystore.


In order to create a pair of key and address, the generators.jar <>`_ tool is used. The procedure of key pair creation is stated in the Key pairs generating sub-section. The rules of creation of requests to the node are stated in the Node REST API section.

Request body

  "fee": 100000000,
  "image": "stateful-increment-contract:latest",
  "imageHash": "7d3b915c82930dd79591aab040657338f64e5d8b842abe2d73d5c8f828584b65",
  "contractName": "stateful-increment-contract",
  "sender": "3PudkbvjV1nPj1TkuuRahh4sGdgfr4YAUV2",
  "password": "",
  "params": [],
  "type": 103,
  "version": 1

Request example

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'X-Contract-Api-Token' -d '    { \
        "fee": 100000000, \
        "image": "stateful-increment-contract:latest", \
        "imageHash": "7d3b915c82930dd79591aab040657338f64e5d8b842abe2d73d5c8f828584b65", \
        "contractName": "stateful-increment-contract", \
        "sender": "3PudkbvjV1nPj1TkuuRahh4sGdgfr4YAUV2", \
        "password": "", \
        "params": [], \
        "type": 103, \
        "version": 1 \
    }' 'http://localhost:6862/transactions/sign'

Reply example

    "type": 103,
    "id": "ULcq9R7PvUB2yPMrmBdxoTi3bcRmQPT3JDLLLZVj4Ky",
    "sender": "3N3YTj1tNwn8XUJ8ptGKbPuEFNa9GFnhqew",
    "senderPublicKey": "3kW7vy6nPC59BXM67n5N56rhhAv38Dws5skqDsjMVT2M",
    "fee": 500000,
    "timestamp": 1550591678479,
    "proofs": [ "yecRFZm9iBLyDy93bDVaNo1PR5Qkkic7196GAgUt9TNH1cnQphq4yGQQ8Fxj4BYA4TaqYVw5qxtWzGMPQyVeKYv" ],
    "version": 1,
    "image": "stateful-increment-contract:latest",
    "imageHash": "7d3b915c82930dd79591aab040657338f64e5d8b842abe2d73d5c8f828584b65",
    "contractName": "stateful-increment-contract",
    "params": [],
    "height": 1619
  1. Send a signed transaction into the blockchain. Reply of the sign method should be transferred to the input of the broadcast method.

Request example

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'X-Contract-Api-Token' -d '{ \
    "type": 103, \
    "id": "ULcq9R7PvUB2yPMrmBdxoTi3bcRmQPT3JDLLLZVj4Ky", \
    "sender": "3N3YTj1tNwn8XUJ8ptGKbPuEFNa9GFnhqew", \
    "senderPublicKey": "3kW7vy6nPC59BXM67n5N56rhhAv38Dws5skqDsjMVT2M", \
    "fee": 500000, \
    "timestamp": 1550591678479, \
    "proofs": [ "yecRFZm9iBLyDy93bDVaNo1PR5Qkkic7196GAgUt9TNH1cnQphq4yGQQ8Fxj4BYA4TaqYVw5qxtWzGMPQyVeKYv" ], \
    "version": 1, \
    "image": "stateful-increment-contract:latest", \
    "imageHash": "7d3b915c82930dd79591aab040657338f64e5d8b842abe2d73d5c8f828584b65", \
    "contractName": "stateful-increment-contract", \
    "params": [], \
    "height": 1619 \
}' 'http://localhost:6862/transactions/broadcast'
  1. According to the transaction id, make sure that the transaction initializing the contract is published in the blockchain.

Reply example

    "type": 103,
    "id": "ULcq9R7PvUB2yPMrmBdxoTi3bcRmQPT3JDLLLZVj4Ky",
    "sender": "3N3YTj1tNwn8XUJ8ptGKbPuEFNa9GFnhqew",
    "senderPublicKey": "3kW7vy6nPC59BXM67n5N56rhhAv38Dws5skqDsjMVT2M",
    "fee": 500000,
    "timestamp": 1550591678479,
    "proofs": [ "yecRFZm9iBLyDy93bDVaNo1PR5Qkkic7196GAgUt9TNH1cnQphq4yGQQ8Fxj4BYA4TaqYVw5qxtWzGMPQyVeKYv" ],
    "version": 1,
    "image": "stateful-increment-contract:latest",
    "imageHash": "7d3b915c82930dd79591aab040657338f64e5d8b842abe2d73d5c8f828584b65",
    "contractName": "stateful-increment-contract",
    "params": [],
    "height": 1619

Usage of a smart contract

  1. Sign a call transaction for call (execution) of a smart contract.

Set an identifier of a transaction for contract initialization in the contractId field.

Request body

    "contractId": "2sqPS2VAKmK77FoNakw1VtDTCbDSa7nqh5wTXvJeYGo2",
    "fee": 10,
    "sender": "3PKyW5FSn4fmdrLcUnDMRHVyoDBxybRgP58",
    "password": "",
    "type": 104,
    "version": 1,
    "params": [
            "type": "integer",
            "key": "a",
            "value": 1

Request example

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'X-Contract-Api-Token' -d '{ \
    "contractId": "2sqPS2VAKmK77FoNakw1VtDTCbDSa7nqh5wTXvJeYGo2", \
    "fee": 10, \
    "sender": "3PKyW5FSn4fmdrLcUnDMRHVyoDBxybRgP58", \
    "password": "", \
    "type": 104, \
    "version": 1, \
    "params": [ \
        { \
            "type": "integer", \
            "key": "a", \
            "value": 1 \
        } \
    ] \
}' 'http://localhost:6862/transactions/sign'

Reply example

    "type": 104,
    "id": "9fBrL2n5TN473g1gNfoZqaAqAsAJCuHRHYxZpLexL3VP",
    "sender": "3PKyW5FSn4fmdrLcUnDMRHVyoDBxybRgP58",
    "senderPublicKey": "2YvzcVLrqLCqouVrFZynjfotEuPNV9GrdauNpgdWXLsq",
    "fee": 10,
    "timestamp": 1549365736923,
    "proofs": [
    "version": 1,
    "contractId": "2sqPS2VAKmK77FoNakw1VtDTCbDSa7nqh5wTXvJeYGo2",
    "params": [
        "key": "a",
        "type": "integer",
        "value": 1
  1. Send a signed transaction into the blockchain. Reply of the sign method should be transferred to the input of the broadcast method.

Request example

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'X-Contract-Api-Token' -d '{ \
"type": 104, \
"id": "9fBrL2n5TN473g1gNfoZqaAqAsAJCuHRHYxZpLexL3VP", \
"sender": "3PKyW5FSn4fmdrLcUnDMRHVyoDBxybRgP58", \
"senderPublicKey": "2YvzcVLrqLCqouVrFZynjfotEuPNV9GrdauNpgdWXLsq", \
"fee": 10, \
"timestamp": 1549365736923, \
"proofs": [ \
    "2q4cTBhDkEDkFxr7iYaHPAv1dzaKo5rDaTxPF5VHryyYTXxTPvN9Wb3YrsDYixKiUPXBnAyXzEcnKPFRCW9xVp4v" \
], \
"version": 1, \
"contractId": "2sqPS2VAKmK77FoNakw1VtDTCbDSa7nqh5wTXvJeYGo2", \
"params": [ \
    { \
    "key": "a", \
    "type": "integer", \
    "value": 1 \
    } \
] \
}' 'http://localhost:6862/transactions/broadcast'
  1. Receive a result of smart contract according to its identifier.

Reply example

        "key": "1+1",
        "type": "integer",
        "value": 2