Technical description of the platform
REST API: methods of the data service¶
Following API methods are available for the data service:
Assets method group¶
The methods of the Assets group are used for obtaining of data about token sets (assets).
GET /assets¶
The method is used for obtaining of a list of assets available in the blockchain. The list consists of transactions for emission of corresponding assets.
Response example:
POST /assets/count¶
The method returns a number of available assets in the blockchcain.
Response example:
GET /assets/{id}¶
The method returns information about an available asset according to its {id}
The response of the method contains following data:
- asset index number;id
- asset identifier;name
- asset name;description
- asset description;reissuable
- reissuability of an asset;quantity
- number of tokens in an asset;decimals
- number of digits after decimal dot in a used token (WEST - 8)
Response example:
Blocks method group¶
GET /blocks/at/{height}¶
The method returns content of a block at a defined height
The response of the method contains following parameters:
- block hash sum;blocksize
- size of a block;features
- features activated at the moment of block generation;signature
- block signature;fee
- total fee for transactions included in a block;generator
- block creator address;transactionCount
- number of transactions included in a block;transactions
- array with bodies of transactions included in a block;version
- block version;poa-consensus.overall-skipped-rounds
- number of mining rounds to be skipped in case of use of the PoA consensus algorithm;timestamp
- block Unix Timestamp (in milliseconds);height
- height of block generation.
Response example:
Contracts method group¶
Methods of the Contracts group are used for obtaining of information about smart contracts of the blockchain.
GET /contracts¶
The method returns information about all smart contracts installed in the network. For each smart contract, following parameters are returned:
- smart contract identifier;image
- name of a smart contract Docker image or its absolute path in its registry;imageHash
- smart contract hash sum;version
- smart contract version;active
- status of a smart contract at the moment of a query:true
- working,false
- not working.
Example of an answer for one smart contract:
GET /contracts/count¶
The method returns a number of smart contracts on a blockchain that correspond with defined provisions and filters.
Response example:
GET /contracts/id/{id}¶
The method returns information about a smart contract with a definite {id}
Response example:
GET /contracts/id/{id}/versions¶
The method returns version history of a smart contract with a definite {id}
Example of a response for one version:
GET /contacts/history/{id}/key/{key}¶
Returns a history of changes of a {key}
key for a smart contract with a definite {id}
Example of a response for one key:
GET /contracts/senders-count¶
The method returns a number of unique participants that send transactions 104 for smart contract calls.
Response example:
GET /contracts/calls¶
The method returns a list of 104 transactions for smart contract calls with their parameters and results.
Example of a response for one transaction:
Privacy method group¶
Methods of the Privacy group are used for obtaining of information about confidential data groups.
GET /privacy/groups¶
The method returns a list of confidential data groups in the blockchain.
Example of a response for one group:
GET /privacy/groups/count¶
The method returns a number of confidential data groups in the blockchain.
Response example:
GET /privacy/groups/{address}¶
The method returns a list of confidential data groups that include a defined {address}
Example of a response for one group:
GET /privacy/groups/by-recipient/{address}¶
The method returns a list of privacy data groups that include a defined {address}
as a recipient of data.
Example of a response for one group:
GET /privacy/groups/{address}/count¶
The method returns a number of confidential data groups that include a defined {address}
Response example:
GET /privacy/groups/id/{id}¶
The method returns information about a privacy data group with a definite {id}
Response example:
GET /privacy/groups/id/{id}/history¶
The method returns a history of changes of a confidential data access group with a definite {id}
. The history is returned as a list of sent 112-114 transactions with their descriptions.
Example of a response for one transaction:
GET /privacy/groups/id/{id}/history/count¶
The method returns a number of 112-114 transactions sent for changing of an access group with a definite {id}.
Response example:
GET /privacy/nodes¶
The method returns a list of available nodes in the blockchain.
Example of a response for one node:
GET /privacy/nodes/count¶
The method returns a number of available nodes in the blockchain.
Response example:
GET /privacy/nodes/publicKey/{targetPublicKey}¶
The method returns information about a node according to its {targetPublicKey}
Response example:
GET /privacy/nodes/address/{address}¶
The method returns information about a node according to its {address}
Response example:
Transactions method group¶
Methods of the Transactions group are used for obtaining of information about transactions in the blockchain.
GET /transactions¶
The method returns a list of transactions corresponding with provisions of a search query and applied filters.
The GET /transactions method returns not more than 500 transactions for one query.
Example of a response for one transaction:
GET /transactions/count¶
The method returns a number of transactions corresponding with provisions of a search query and applied filters.
Response example:
GET /transactions/{id}¶
The method returns a transaction according to its {id}
Response example:
Users method group¶
Methods of the Users group are used for obtaining of information about participants of the blockchain network.
GET /users¶
The method returns a list of participants corresponding with provisions of a search query and applied filters.
Example of a response for one participant:
GET /users/count¶
The method returns a number of participants corresponding with filters applied in the query.
Example of a response for one participant:
GET /users/{userAddressOrAlias}¶
The method returns information about a participants according to his address or alias.
Response example:
GET /users/contract-id/{contractId}¶
The method returns a list of participants that have ever called a smart contract with a definite {contractId}
Example of a response for one participant:
POST /users/by-addresses¶
The method returns a list of participants for a definite set of addresses.
Example of a response for one participant:
Methods for obtaining of information about data transactions (12)¶
This group of methods is called via the /api/v1/txIds/
GET /api/v1/txIds/{key}¶
The method returns a list of identifiers for data transactions that include the defined {key}
Example of a response for one transaction:
GET /api/v1/txIds/{key}/{value}¶
The method returns a list of identifiers for data transactions that include defined {key}
and {value}
Example of a response for one transaction:
GET /api/v1/txData/{key}¶
The method returns bodies of data transactions that include a defined {key}
Example of a response for one transaction:
GET /api/v1/txData/{key}/{value}¶
The method returns bodies of data transactions that include defined {key}
and {value}
Example of a response for one transaction:
Leasing method group¶
GET /leasing/calc¶
The method returns a total sum for leasing of tokens in a specified block interval.
Response example:
Stats method group¶
Methods of the Stats group are used for obtaining of statistical data and blockchain monitoring.
GET /stats/transactions¶
The method returns information about transactions that have been send within a specified time period.
Response example:
GET /stats/contracts¶
The method returns information about transactions 104 within a specified time period.
Response example:
GET /stats/tokens¶
The method returns information about turnover of tokens in the blockchain within a specified time period.
Response example:
GET /stats/addresses-active¶
The method returns addresses that have been active within a specified time period.
Response example:
GET /stats/addresses-top¶
The method returns addresses that have been the most active senders or recipients within a specified time period.
Response example:
GET /stats/nodes-top¶
The method returns addresses of nodes that have created the largest number of blocks within a specified time period.
Response example:
GET /stats/contract-calls¶
The method returns a list of smart contracts that have been mostly called within a specified time period.
Response example:
GET /stats/contract-last-calls¶
The method returns a list of last smart contract calls according to their IDs and names.
Response example:
GET /stats/contract-types¶
The method returns a list of blockchain smart contracts according to their images and hashes.
Response example:
GET /stats/monitoring¶
The method returns general information about the network.
Response example:
Anchoring method group¶
Methods of the Anchoring group are used for obtaining of information about anchoring rounds.
GET /anchoring/rounds¶
The method returns a list of transactions that have been sent in anchoring rounds in accordance with specified provisions and filters.
Response example:
GET /anchoring/round/at/{height}¶
The method returns information about an anchoring round at a specified block {height}
Response example:
GET /anchoring/info¶
The method returns information about the blockchain anchoring.
Response example:
Auxiliary methods of the data service¶
GET /info¶
The method returns information about a data service in use.
Response example:
GET /status¶
The method returns information about status of the data service.
Response example: