Installation and usage of the platform

REST API: blockchain debug

Methods of the debug group are provided for debugging the blockchain network:

GET /debug​/blocks​/{howMany}

The method displays the size and full hash of the last blocks. The number of blocks is specified when prompted.

Response example:

GET /debug​/blocks​/{howMany}:
        "226": "7CkZxrAjU8bnat8CjVAPagobNYazyv1HASubmp7YYqGe"
        "226": "GS3y9fUHAKCamq52TPsjizDVir8J7iGoe8P2XZLasxsC"
        "226": "B9LmhGGDdvcfUA9JEWvyVrT9sazZE6gibpAN13xUN7KV"
        "226": "Byb9MHtwYf3MFyi2tbhQ3GTdCct5phKq9REkbjQTzdne"
        "226": "HSxSHbiV4tZc8RaN6jxdhgtkAhjxuLn76uHxerMRUefA"

GET /debug​/info

The method displays general information about the blockchain needed for debugging and testing.

Response example:

GET /debug​/info:
    "stateHeight": 74015,
    "extensionLoaderState": "State(Idle)",
    "historyReplierCacheSizes": {
        "blocks": 13,
        "microBlocks": 2
    "microBlockSynchronizerCacheSizes": {
        "microBlockOwners": 0,
        "nextInventories": 0,
        "awaiting": 0,
        "successfullyReceived": 0
    "scoreObserverStats": {
        "localScore": 42142328633037120000,
        "scoresCacheSize": 4
    "minerState": "mining microblocks"

POST /debug​/rollback

The method rolls the blockchain back to the specified height, removing all blocks after it. The following parameters are passed in the request:

  • rollbackTo - the height to which the blockchain must be rolled back;

  • returnTransactionsToUtx - return transactions that are contained in the rollback blocks to the UTX pool: true - return, false - delete.

Examples of a query and a response:

POST /debug​/rollback:


    "rollbackTo": 100,
    "returnTransactionsToUtx": true


    "BlockId": "4U4Hmg4mDYrvxaZ3JVzL1Z1piPDZ1PJ61vd1PeS7ESZFkHsUCUqeeAZoszTVr43Z4NV44dqbLv9WdrLytDL6gHuv"

POST /debug​/validate

The method validates transactions by their identifier and measures the time spent in milliseconds. The id of the transaction is passed in the query.

Response example:

POST /debug​/validate:
    "valid": false,
    "validationTime": 14444

GET /debug​/minerInfo

The method returns information about the miner.

Response example:

GET /debug​/minerInfo:
        "address": "3JFR1pmL6biTzr9oa63gJcjZ8ih429KD3aF",
        "miningBalance": 1248959867200000,
        "timestamp": 1585923248329

GET /debug​/historyInfo

The method displays the history of the last block.

Response example:

GET /debug​/historyInfo:
"lastBlockIds": [
"microBlockIds": []

GET /debug​/configInfo

The method completely outputs the used node configuration file.

Response example:

GET /debug​/configInfo:
  "node": {
    "anchoring": {
      "enable": "no"
    "blockchain": {
      "consensus": {
        "type": "pos"
      "custom": {
        "address-scheme-character": "K",
        "functionality": {
          "blocks-for-feature-activation": 10,
          "feature-check-blocks-period": 30,
          "pre-activated-features": {
    "wallet": {
      "file": "wallet.dat",
      "password": ""
    "waves-crypto": "yes"

DELETE /debug​/rollback-to​/{signature}

The method rolls the blockchain up to the block with the specified {signature}.

Response example:

DELETE /debug​/rollback-to​/{signature}:
    "BlockId": "4U4Hmg4mDYrvxaZ3JVzL1Z1piPDZ1PJ61vd1PeS7ESZFkHsUCUqeeAZoszTVr43Z4NV44dqbLv9WdrLytDL6gHuv"

GET /debug​/portfolios​/{address}

The method displays the current balance of the transactions in the UTX pool of the {address} node.

Response example:

GET /debug​/portfolios​/{address}:
    "balance": 104665861710336,
    "lease": {
        "in": 0,
        "out": 0
    "assets": {}

POST /debug​/print

The method outputs the current messages of the logger that has a DEBUG logging level.

The answer is output in the "message": "string" format

GET /debug​/state

The method displays the current state of the node.

Response example:

GET /debug​/state:
    "3JD3qDmgL1icDaxa3n24YSjxr9Jze5MBVVs": 4899000000,
    "3JPWx147Xf3f9fE89YtfvRhtKWBHy9rWnMK": 17528100000,
    "3JU5tCoswHH7FKPBUowySWBnQwpbZiYyNhB": 300021381800000,
    "3JCJChsQ2CGyHc9Ymu8cnsES6YzjjJELu3a": 75000362600000,
    "3JEW9XnPC8w3qQ4AJyVTDBmsVUp32QKoCGD": 5000000000,
    "3JSaKNX94deXJkywQwTFgbigTxJa36TDVg3": 6847000000,
    "3JFR1pmL6biTzr9oa63gJcjZ8ih429KD3aF": 1248938560600000,
    "3JV6V4JEVc3a9uSqRmdUMvMKMfZa16HbGmq": 4770000000,
    "3JZtYeGEZHjb2zQ6EcSEo524PdafPn6vWkc": 900000000,
    "3JMMFLX9d1rmXaBK9AF7Wuwzu4vRkkoVQBC": 4670000000,
    "3JJDpPDqSPokKp5jEmzwMzmaPUyopLZjW1C": 800000000,
    "3JWDUsqyJEkVa1aivNPP8VCAa5zGuxiwD9t": 994280900000

GET /debug​/stateWE​/{height}

The method displays the node’s state at the specified {height}.

Response example:

GET /debug​/stateWE​/{height}:
    "3JPWx147Xf3f9fE89YtfvRhtKWBHy9rWnMK": 17528100000,
    "3JU5tCoswHH7FKPBUowySWBnQwpbZiYyNhB": 300020907600000,
    "3JCJChsQ2CGyHc9Ymu8cnsES6YzjjJELu3a": 75000350600000,
    "3JSaKNX94deXJkywQwTFgbigTxJa36TDVg3": 6847000000,
    "3JFR1pmL6biTzr9oa63gJcjZ8ih429KD3aF": 1248960085800000,
    "3JWDUsqyJEkVa1aivNPP8VCAa5zGuxiwD9t": 994280900000
See also