Role model

The blockchain platform implements a mechanism limiting actions of participants based on the role model which allows the platform owner to protect participants from threats, such as:

  • attacks of unscrupulous miners on blockchain network;

  • unauthorized issue of tokens;

  • unauthorized access to confidential information;

  • other illegal actions of intruders.

The procedure for issuing and revoking permissions is given in module Role management.

Roles list

The following table provides a list of possible platform roles:

Role name



Add transactions to modify the permission list


Add transactions to modify the black list


Create new blocks


Add transactions for issuing, reissuing, and burning tokens


Add the exchange transaction (deprecated)


Add the transaction to create a docker contract


Add the transaction for registering/deleting node in the blockchain network


It is forbidden to send any transactions to the blockchain.
A group of all participants with this role forms a blacklist

Permission model

Permission model describes a mechanism for applying different types of permissions when validating operations in a blockchain.


The node with the permissioner role can assign to itself any existing role in the system.


Action permission condition

Assign or remove a role

Available permissioner role

Add or Remove from blacklist

Available blacklister role

Registration of the new node to the net

Available contract_developer role

Generation and issue of blocks

Available miner role

Token operations (issue, reissue, burn)

Available issuer role

Token transfer (transfer, mass transfer)

User not in the blacklist

Token leasing (lease, lease cancel)

User not in the blacklist

Creating an alias (alias)

User not in the blacklist

Create a docker contract

Available contract_developer role

Execution of docker contract

User not in the blacklist

Update the permission list

A permission transaction is used to modify the permission list.

JSON description:

  • Transaction Type

  • Version

  • Sender PublicKey

  • Target Address or Alias

  • Timestamp

  • Operation Byte

  • Role Byte

  • Timestamp

  • Due Timestamp Defined Byte (0 - None, 1 - Defined)

  • Due Timestamp Bytes

The following diagram shows the sequence of actions when updating a permission list.


When modifying the permission list, the platform performs the following checks:

  1. Sender is not in the blacklist.

  2. Sender has the role of permissioner.

  3. DueTimestamp (role duration) > Timestamp (current time).

  4. This role is not active (if added) or active (if removed).