The rules for generating queries to the node are given in module How to use REST API.
Get all addresses of participants whose key pairs are stored in the node keystore.
Method Response:
Gets all addresses of participants whose key pairs are stored in node keystore in the specified range.
Method Response:
Get the balance for the address {address}.
Method Response:
"address": "3N3keodUiS8WLEw9W4BKDNxgNdUpwSnpb3K",
"confirmations": 0,
"balance": 100945889661986
Get balances for the address list.
Method Query:
"addresses": [
"3N65yEf31ojBZUvpu4LCo7n8D73juFtheUJ", "3N11u447zghwj9MemYkrkt9v9xDaMwTY9nG"
Get the balance for the address {address} after a number of confirmations > = value {confirmations}. Returns the total balance of the participant, including assets transferred to the participant for the leasing.
Method Response:
"address": "3N65yEf31ojBZUvpu4LCo7n8D73juFtheUJ",
"confirmations": 1,
"balance": 0
GET /addresses/effectiveBalance/{address}¶
Get the effective balance of the specified address.
Method Response
"address": "3GLWx8yUFcNSL3DER8kZyE4TpyAyNiEYsKG",
"confirmations": 0,
"balance": 1240001592820000
Returns detailed information about balance of address {address}.
Method Query:
"addresses": [
Method Response:
"address": "3N65yEf31ojBZUvpu4LCo7n8D73juFtheUJ",
"regular": 0,
"generating": 0,
"available": 0,
"effective": 0
Response Options
Regular - total balance of participant, including assets transferred for leasing
Available - total balance of participant, except for assets transferred for leasing
Effective — total balance of participant, including assets transferred to participant for leasing (Available + assets transferred to you for leasing)
Generating - minimum balance of participant, including assets transferred to participant for leasing, for the last 1000 blocks (used for mining)
Get information about the script installed on the address {address}.
Method Response:
"address": "3N3keodUiS8WLEw9W4BKDNxgNdUpwSnpb3K",
"script": "3rbFDtbPwAvSp2vBvqGfGR9nRS1nBVnfuSCN3HxSZ7fVRpt3tuFG5JSmyTmvHPxYf34SocMRkRKFgzTtXXnnv7upRHXJzZrLSQo8tUW6yMtEiZ",
"scriptText": "ScriptV1(BLOCK(LET(x,CONST_LONG(1)),FUNCTION_CALL(FunctionHeader(==,List(LONG, LONG)),List(FUNCTION_CALL(FunctionHeader(+,List(LONG, LONG)),List(REF(x,LONG), CONST_LONG(1)),LONG), CONST_LONG(2)),BOOLEAN),BOOLEAN))",
"complexity": 11,
"extraFee": 10001
Response Options
“address” - address in Base58 format
“script” - Base64 representation of the script
“scriptText” - source code of the script
“complexity” - complexity of the script
“extraFee” - fee for outgoing transactions set by the script
Returns the message encoded in BASE58 format signed by address private key {address}, stored in node keystore. The message is first signed and then converted.
Method Query:
"message": "mytext"
Method Response:
"message": "wWshKhJj",
"publicKey": "C1ADP1tNGuSLTiQrfNRPhgXx59nCrwrZFRV4AHpfKBpZ",
"signature": "62PFG855ThsEHUZ4N8VE8kMyHCK9GWnvtTZ3hq6JHYv12BhP1eRjegA6nSa3DAoTTMammhamadvizDUYZAZtKY9S"
Validates signature of a message executed by address {address}, including the one created through POST method/addresses/sign/{address}.
Method Query:
"message": "wWshKhJj",
"publickey": "C1ADP1tNGuSLTiQrfNRPhgXx59nCrwrZFRV4AHpfKBpZ",
"signature": "5kwwE9sDZzssoNaoBSJnb8RLqfYGt1NDGbTWWXUeX8b9amRRJN3hr5fhs9vHBq6VES5ng4hqbCUoDEsoQNauRRts"
Method Response:
"valid": true
Returns a message signed by address private key {address} stored in the node keystore.
Method Query:
"message": "mytext"
Method Response:
"message": "message",
"publicKey": "C1ADP1tNGuSLTiQrfNRPhgXx59nCrwrZFRV4AHpfKBpZ",
"signature": "5kVZfWfFmoYn38cJfNhkdct5WCyksMgQ7kjwHK7Zjnrzs9QYRWo6HuJoGc8WRMozdYcAVJvojJnPpArqPvu2uc3u"
Validates signature of a message executed by address {address}, including the one created through the POSTmethod /addresses/signtext/{address}.
Method Query:
"message": "message",
"publicKey": "C1ADP1tNGuSLTiQrfNRPhgXx59nCrwrZFRV4AHpfKBpZ",
"signature": "5kVZfWfFmoYn38cJfNhkdct5WCyksMgQ7kjwHK7Zjnrzs9QYRWo6HuJoGc8WRMozdYcAVJvojJnPpArqPvu2uc3u"
Method Response:
"valid": true
GET /addresses/validate/{addressOrAlias}¶
Validates correctness of specified address or its alias {addressOrAlias} in a network blockchain of operating node.
Method Response:
addressOrAlias: "3HSVTtjim3FmV21HWQ1LurMhFzjut7Aa1Ac",
valid: true
POST /addresses/validateMany¶
Checks the validity of addresses or aliases.
Method Query:
addressesOrAliases: [
"alias:T:1nvAliDAl1ass99911%^&$$$ "
Method Response:
validations: [
addressOrAlias: "3HSVTtjim3FmV21HWQ1LurMhFzjut7Aa1Ac",
valid: true
addressOrAlias: "alias:T:asdfghjk",
valid: true
addressOrAlias: "alias:T:1nvAliDAl1ass99911%^&$$$ ",
valid: false,
reason: "GenericError(Alias should contain only following characters: -.0123456789@_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz)"
GET /addresses/publicKey/{publicKey}¶
Returns participant address based on its public key.
Method Response:
"address": "3N4WaaaNAVLMQgVKTRSePgwBuAKvZTjAQbq"
Returns all data recorded to address account {address}.
Method Response:
"key": "4yR7b6Gv2rzLrhYBHpgVCmLH42raPGTF4Ggi1N36aWnY",
"type": "integer",
"value": 1500000
Returns data recorded to address account {address} by key {key}.
Method Response:
"key": "4yR7b6Gv2rzLrhYBHpgVCmLH42raPGTF4Ggi1N36aWnY",
"type": "integer",
"value": 1500000