General Description of the Client

Waves Enterprise client is a convenient way to manage your blockchain. is intended for operations in the Waves Enterprise public network.


The client includes sections for use of all blockchain features:

  • “Data” — allows to find information about transactions or users through flexible search and advanced filter system.

  • “Tokens” — allows to transfer, issue, lease tokens.

  • “Contracts” — provides tools for publishing and calling docker contracts. Contracts are available for publishing from the repository, the address of which was specified when the client was built.

  • “Enter Data” — allows sending data transactions and files from the interface.

  • “Settings” — allows managing permissions for user actions in the blockchain.

The client supports the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome.

  • Mozilla Firefox.

  • Opera.

  • Apple Safari.

  • Microsoft Edge.

If the client web interface does not work properly, or if you see any errors during loading pages, please, update your browser to the latest version.


This section contains information about blockchain transactions. For information, use the filter and the search string to specify the transaction fields to search for.

Available transaction filters:

  • All transactions - displays of all transactions.

  • Data transactions - displays of the data transactions.

  • Tokens - a selection of transactions with tokens. When this value is selected, an additional option of contextual filtering by types of token operations (for example, transfer, lease or issue of tokens) appears.

  • Permissions - a transactions selection by operations with aliases and by user permissions. When selected, context filters are available by permission type (for example, mining, contract publishing, or access control).

  • Groups - a selection of privacy data access groups transactions. When this value is selected, an additional option of contextual filtering by operation types (for example, a creation or an update of the access group) appears.

  • Contracts - a selection of the contracts transactions. When this value is selected, an additional option of contextual filtering by contracts types (for example, Docker or RIDE) appears.

  • Unconfirmed transactions - a selection of the unconfirmed transactions.

  • Users - users info. When this value is selected, an additional option of contextual filtering by permissions types (for example, mining, publish smart-contract or access control) appears.


This section shows the balance of authorized account. Allows transferring tokens to other network participants, transfer tokens for lease and manage tokens. Token management requires the “Token Management” permission.


The section displays information on existing contracts in the network and allows you to run the selected contracts. You can use the search string with transaction parameters for the filtration. Contract publishing requires the “contract-developer” role.

Data transactions

The section allows to create data transactions and view information about existing data transactions.


The section contains basic information about the user’s account (public and private keys, secret phrase), also the current version of the client and allows you to change the language of the interface. Also you can add permissions to another users. This option requires the “permissioner” role.