Examples of the “Waves Enterprise Partnernet” configuration files

You can read here about the node configuration.

The accounts.conf file example

// accounts.conf listing

accounts-generator {
  waves-crypto = yes
  chain-id = P
  amount = 1
  wallet = ${user.home}"/node/keystore.dat"
  wallet-password = "some string as password"
  reload-node-wallet {
    enabled = false
    url = "http://localhost:6869/utils/reload-wallet"

The chain-id parameter contains the identification network byte, for the “Waves Enterprise Partnernet” in is P. If you want to use the GOST cryptography specify the no value of the waves-crypto parameter inside all the configuration files. Also install the CryptoPro JCP 2.0.40035 software before the node configuration. You can find full info about installation here.

The api-key-hash file example

// api-key-hash.conf listing

apikeyhash-generator {
  waves-crypto = yes
  api-key = "some string"

The node configuration file example

node {
waves-crypto = yes
# Blockchain settings
blockchain {
type: CUSTOM
consensus.type = PoS
custom {
address-scheme-character: "P"
functionality {
  feature-check-blocks-period = 1
  blocks-for-feature-activation = 1
  pre-activated-features { 1 = 0, 2 = 0, 3 = 0, 4 = 0, 5 = 0, 6 = 0, 7 = 0, 8 = 0, 9 = 0, 10 = 0 }
  double-features-periods-after-height = 100000000
genesis {
  average-block-delay: 60s
  initial-base-target: 153722867
  block-timestamp: 1559260800000
  initial-balance: 1625000000000000
  genesis-public-key-base-58: "8RbU8qKWWxLuVk49LgeE39y83LUTVp1zHEJwMM7zKaMC"
  signature: "2dKzduxL9bdWz1B9wBPnGALfowrPDSidEoGAQEoRogGuBB4sQanCr4JySXvWoAmpu1EmcU8MsCQTL3TaSMnFxG2U"
  transactions = [
    { recipient: "3LWg4n6VmN6DKBSwGF1hwnaCzXdjMkQCFrn", amount: 1250000000000000 },
    { recipient: "3LPPZNhakdm9ZPiGShNvWGCshFqsQXFjUQ1", amount: 300000000000000 },
    { recipient: "3LEpXfh7XmCRias92swo6LUJqyo9MA7SaFc", amount: 75000000000000 }
  network-participants = [
    {public-key: "CaFrRzAv7B3DrECR4i2Los1DwxHj4yKAEKCT3zEke9U4", roles: [permissioner, miner, connection_manager]},
    {public-key: "Vxb6LQ8Qt9Afs6VJuyiMbMN5qM2pm1EEcWdoZo3WmkN", roles: [miner, permissioner]},
    {public-key: "FmzyByBePwbKDjSdnYjwF9G12zGrQc7Gcr8WvQ5ybejC", roles: [miner]}
# Application logging level. Could be DEBUG | INFO | WARN | ERROR. Default value is INFO.
logging-level = DEBUG
# P2P Network settings
network {
# Network address
bind-address = ""
# Port number
port = 6864
known-peers = [
# Node name to send during handshake. Comment this string out to set random node name.
# String with IP address and port to send as external address during handshake. Could be set automatically if uPnP is enabled.
declared-address = ""
wallet {
file = "" #FILL
password = "" #FILL
# Privacy network settings: node owner address is used to sign handshakes
owner-address = "" #FILL

ntp {
fatal-timeout = "1 minute"
server = "pool.ntp.org"

# Matcher settings
matcher.enable = no
# Node's REST API settings
rest-api {
 enable = yes
 bind-address = ""
 port = 6862
 api-key-hash = "" #api-key for all api #FILL
 privacy-api-key-hash = ""   #api-key for SendData api #FILL
# New blocks generator settings
miner {
 enable = yes
 interval-after-last-block-then-generation-is-allowed = 15d
 quorum = 1
 minimal-block-generation-offset = 200ms
# Anchoring
scheduler-service.enable = no

# For docker smart-contracts
docker-engine {
enable = yes
# Optional connection string to docker host
# docker-host = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
# Optional string to node REST API if we use remote docker host
# node-rest-api = "https://clinton.weservices.com/node-0"
execution-limits {
 timeout = 10s
 memory = 512
 memory-swap = 512
allow-net-access = yes

privacy {
# DB connection config
storage {
url = "" #FILL insert DB connection string here, example "jdbc:postgresql://db_hostname:5432/_____?user=_____________&password=____"
driver = "org.postgresql.Driver"
profile = "slick.jdbc.PostgresProfile$"
connectionPool = HikariCP
connectionTimeout = 5000
connectionTestQuery = "SELECT 1"
queueSize = 10000
numThreads = 10
schema = "public"
migration-dir = "db/migration"