Description of the node configuration file parameters and sections

Several types of values are used for parameters in the configuration file.

  • Integer data which used to specify the exact number of elements. It can be the number of transactions, blocks or connections.

  • Integer data including measuring units to specify the time periods or memory volume. You typically specify the time periods in days, hours, or seconds, or the cache memory volume, for example, leveldb-cache-size = 256M or connection-timeout = 30s.

  • String which used to specify the addresses, directory paths, passwords and so on. The directory path is specifying in the acceptable format of your current OS and the value is quoted.

  • Array for the list of values like addresses or public keys. The value is specified in square brackets separated by commas.

  • Boolean no or yes which used for option activation.

An example of the node configuration file is represented on the configuration files prepare page. It includes the following sections:

  • node - general section, which includes all sections of blockchain settings.

  • ntp - NTP server parameters settings.

  • blockchain - common blockchain settings.

  • features - network settings.

  • network - network settings.

  • wallet - settings of the private keys access.

  • miner - mining settings.

  • rest-api - REST API settings.

  • privacy - confidential information access groups settings.

  • docker-engine - Docker smart contracts settings.

node section

Additional section parameters:

  • waves-crypto - cryptography type in the blockchain. Possible values: yes - Waves cryptography, no - GOST cryptography.

  • directory - the main directory for the storage of the node software.

  • data-directory - the main directory for the storage of the node software.

  • logging-level - logging level. Possible values: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, default value is INFO.

  • owner-address - the node address, the future owner of the configuration file.

ntp section

  • server - an NTP server addresses list. The recommended value is

  • request-timeout - the timeout of the one request to an NTP server. The recommended value is 10 seconds.

  • expiration-timeout - the timeout of the NTP server requests synchronization. The recommended value is 1 minute.

  • fatal-timeout - the timeout of the connection to an NTP server. The recommended value is 1 minute.

blockchain section

  • type - the blockchain type. Possible values are MAINNET or CUSTOM. The MAINNET value allows you to use the genesis block, consensus and Mainnet settings. When you select MAINNET in the configuration file of the node which connects to the Mainnet network, you do not need to specify the parameters of custom, genesis and consensus blocks.

  • consensus.type - consensus type. Possible values are pos or poa. You can read more here about consensus settings.

fees unit

  • enabled - the option of using fees for the transaction release. Possible values are false or true.

custom unit

  • address-scheme-character - the address feature character which is used to prevent mixing up addresses from different networks. For the “Waves Enterprise Mainnet” - V and for the “Waves Enterprise Partnernet” - P. You can use any letter you like for the sidechain or test versions of the Waves Enterprise blockchain platform. Nodes must have the same network byte on the same blockchain network.

  • functionality - main blockchain settings.

  • genesis - genesis block settings.

functionality unit

  • feature-check-blocks-period - the blocks period for feature checking and activation.

  • blocks-for-feature-activation - the number of blocks required to accept feature.

  • pre-activated-features - a set of blockchain options.

genesis unit

  • average-block-delay - an average delay between the blocks creation. This parameter is used only for the PoS consensus.

  • initial-base-target - an initial base number for the managing the mining process. This parameter is used for the PoS consensus . The frequency of the block creation depends on the parameter value therefore the higher the value, the more often blocks are created. Also, the value of the miner’s balance affects the use of this parameter in mining - the larger the miner’s balance, the less the value of initial-base-target is used. When setting a value for this parameter, it is recommended to take into account the combination of miners balances and the expected interval between blocks.

  • block-timestamp - a time and data code. The time is specified in milliseconds and the value must consist of 13 digits. If you specify the standard value timestamp consisting of 10 digits, then you need to add any three digits at the end.

  • initial-balance - an initial balance in smallest units. The parameter value affects on the mining process with the PoS consensus. The larger the miner’s balance, the smaller the initial-base-target value is used for the mining node determination for the current round.

  • genesis-public-key-base-58 - the public key hash of the genesis block, encrypted in Base58.

  • signature - the genesis block signature, encrypted in Base58.

  • transactions - a list of network participants with an initial balance, the creation of which will be included in the genesis block.

  • network-participants - a list of network participants with specified roles, the creation of which will be included in the genesis block.

network section

  • bind-address - the node network address.

  • port - the port number.

  • known-peers - a list of IP addresses of well known nodes.

  • declared-address - a string with IP address and port to send as external address during the handshake.

wallet section

  • file - a path to the private keys storage.

  • password - a password for the private keys file access.

miner section

  • enable - a miner option activation.

  • quorum - required number of connections (both incoming and outgoing) to attempt block generation. Setting this value to 0 enables offline generation. When you are specifying the value, it is necessary to consider that the own mining node is not summed with the parameter value, i.e., if it is quorum = 2, then you need at least 3 mining nodes in the network.

  • interval-after-last-block-then-generation-is-allowed - enable block generation only if the last block is not older the given period of time.

  • micro-block-interval - an interval between microblocks.

  • min-micro-block-age - a minimal age of the microblock.

  • max-transactions-in-micro-block - a maximum number of transaction in the microblock.

  • minimal-block-generation-offset - a minimal time interval between blocks.

features section

  • supported - a list of supported options.