Installation and usage of the platform

gRPC: transfer of confidential smart contract data

The gRPC ContractPublicService is used to transfer confidential smart contracts data.

Следующие методы сервиса описаны в protobuf-файле confidential_contract_service.proto:

  • ConfidentialCall,

  • ConfidentialTx.


The field data types for requests and responses are specified in the protobuf file.


Вызов методов ConfidentialCall и ConfidentialTx доступен только при использовании oAuth токена с ролью ConfidentialContractUser или специального api-key.


The ConfidentialCall method accepts the ConfidentialCalRequest containing the following fields:

  • broadcast – the flag that marks the need to broadcast the generated CallContract transaction; the field defaults to true; the false value is used to form an atomic container;

  • commitmentVerification – the flag that marks the necessity of input data commitment reconciliation and the need for the user to provide a key for commitment generation; the field defaults to false; if false is set, the node generates the key randomly and calculates the commitment;

  • sender – the address of the sender of the confidential smart contract data;

  • contractId – the confidential smart contract identifier;

  • contractVersion – the confidential smart contract version;

  • params – when working with CallContract transaction, the field holds input data of the confidential smart contract, represented as an array of objects; data is entered using the following fields:

    • key – the parameter key;

    • type – the parameter data type;

    • value – the parameter value.

  • timestamp – a timestamp in Unix Timestamp format (in milliseconds) marking the time when the smart contract was invoked;

  • atomicBadge – the flag that marks if the transaction can be included in an atomic transaction;

  • fee – the transaction fee;

  • feeAssetId – fee token identifier;

  • commitment – commitment;

  • commitmentKey – the commitment key.

The ConfidentialCall method takes all the data needed to send a CallContract transaction, sends it, and returns a protobuf that includes the CallContract version 6 transaction and the confidentialInput of the confidential smart contract in the response.


The POST /confidential-contracts/call REST method is similar to the ConfidentialCall gRPC method.


Метод возвращает транзакцию записи результата исполнения конфиденциального смарт-контракта в его стейт (105.ExecutedContract версии 4), конфиденциальные входные данные для запуска контракта (ConfidentialInput) и конфиденциальные результаты исполнения контракта (ConfidentialOutput) участникам соответствующей политики (группы авторизации).

В свою очередь, транзакция 105.ExecutedContract содержит все поля транзакций 103. CreateContract, 104. CallContract, 107. UpdateContract смарт-контракта.


REST метод GET /confidential-contracts/tx/{executable-tx-id} аналогичен gRPC методу ConfidentialTx.

See also