Installation and usage of the platform

REST API: validation of addresses and aliases of network participants

The following methods of the addresses group are provided for validating addresses and aliases on the network:

GET /addresses/validate/{addressOrAlias}

Validation of a given address (node or account) or its alias {addressOrAlias} on the blockchain network. The address is validated as a sequence of characters.

Response example for a valid address:

GET /addresses/validate/{addressOrAlias}
  "addressOrAlias": "3HSVTtjim3FmV21HWQ1LurMhFzjut7Aa1Ac",
  "valid": true

Response example for an invalid address:

GET /addresses/validate/{addressOrAlias}
  "addressOrAlias": "3NkZd8Xd4KsuPiNVsuhhRNCZE3SqJycqv8d",
  "valid": false,
  "reason": "InvalidAddress(Bad address checksum. Address is corrupted or generated using a different crypto (check 'node.crypto.type' config parameter).)"

  "error": 199,
  "message": "Invalid address or alias: InvalidAddress(Data from other network: expected: 84(T), actual: 86(V))"
  "error": 199,
  "message": "Invalid address or alias: GenericError(Alias 'CgqRPcPnexY533gCh2SSvBXh5bca1qMs7KFGntawHGww' length should be between 4 and 30)"
  "error": 199,
  "message": "Invalid address or alias: AliasDoesNotExist(alias:V:12ssdasads)"

POST /addresses/validateMany

Validation of multiple addresses or aliases passed to the addressesOrAliases field as an array. The information in the response for each address is identical to the GET /addresses/validate/{addressOrAlias} method response.

Examples of query and response for one address, one existing and one non-existing alias:

POST /addresses/validateMany:


  addressesOrAliases: [
    "alias:T:1nvAliDAl1ass99911%^&$$$ "


  validations: [
      addressOrAlias: "3HSVTtjim3FmV21HWQ1LurMhFzjut7Aa1Ac",
      valid: true
      addressOrAlias: "alias:T:asdfghjk",
      valid: true
      addressOrAlias: "alias:T:1nvAliDAl1ass99911%^&$$$ ",
      valid: false,
      reason: "GenericError(Alias should contain only following characters: -.0123456789@_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz)"
See also